Your registration was successful and your account is now fully operational. Please follow the instructions in confirmation e-mail sent to your registered email address.
Prefix/ Termination |
Test number |
372 559 53 Estonia |
37255953826 |
372 567 73 Estonia |
37256773683 |
46 766 746 Sweden |
46766746273 |
263 776 Zimbabwe |
263776837139 |
882 369 9 Jersey |
88236991368 |
39 319 6 Italy |
393196657306 |
88 193 89 Globalstar ME |
881938991362 |
88 183 89 Globalstar ME |
881838991305 |
88 213 07 Emsat |
88213072367 |
56 219 653 Chile |
56219653189 |
39 199 206 Italy |
391992067200 |
370 608 Lithuania |
37060842827 |
229 019 22 Benin |
2290192291102 |
Prefix/ Termination |
New Payout |
992 990 11 Tajikistan |
0.04 EUR |